Edmund Spenser
THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE FAERIE QVEENE. Contayning The Legende of the Knight of the Red Crosse,
or of Holinesse.
THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE FAERIE QVEENE. Contayning The Legende of Sir Gvyon,
or of Temperaunce.
THE THIRD BOOKE OF THE FAERIE QVEENE. Contayning The Legende of Britomartis,
or of Chastitie.
THE FOVRTH BOOKE OF THE FAERIE QVEENE. Contayning The Legende of Cambel and Telamond,
or of Friendship.
THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE FAERIE QVEENE. Contayning The Legende of Artegall
or of Ivstice.
THE SIXTH BOOKE OF THE FAERIE QVEENE. Contayning The Legende of S. Calidore
or of Covrtesie.